Description: The Conservation Easement dataset was constructed in order to spatially keep track of conservation easements as they are observed on the ground. All data was constructed from legal meets and bounds on file at Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). Our hope is that this data set will be used by others to protect, conserve, and construct wetlands around the state. This EGLE digitized field map of the conservation easements (easement) is intended to be used as a visual aid to assist in identifying in general the size, shape, and location of the easement boundaries. The locations are based upon land surveys that have been converted to a geographic information system. Some of the easement shapefiles had to be manipulated to reference known landmarks (roads, rivers) as depicted on aerial photos to best reflect the areas the easements were intended to cover. Therefore, since accuracy of the data may vary, all polygons should be used to approximate the easement boundary lines and should not be used to determine jurisdictional boundaries. View metadata for this item in ArcGIS Online by copying and pasting the following link to a new browser tab:
Description: Digital form of maps used in "Designated and Critical Sand Dune Areas" pamphlet. Published by Geological Survey Division in 1996. These are the same areas represented in the "Atlas of Critical Dunes", which was published in February 1989 and is referenced in Part 353, Sand Dune Protection and Management, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended (NREPA). View metadata for this item by copying this link into a new browser window.
Description: The Eco-Regions polygon dataset is a classification system for dividing the complex natural landscape of Michigan into easily understood and describable components called natural communities. This natural community classification is a useful resource for identifying, conserving, and restoring important places that represent a broad range of ecological conditions. This natural community classification is meant to serve as a tool for those seeking to understand, describe, document, and restore the diversity of natural communities native to Michigan. This classification of natural community types is based on a combination of data derived from statewide and regional surveys, ecological sampling and data analysis, literature review, and expert assessment. Michigan Natural Features Inventory has created this dataset and manages any suggested updates. Find more information regarding this data and its creation at the Michigan Natural Features Inventory. View metadata for this item on ArcGIS Online by copying and pasting the following link to a new browser tab:
Description: Part 323, Shorelands Protection and Management, of the Natural Resources Environmental and Protection Act (NREPA), 1994 Public Act 451, as amended,provides protection from the natural hazards of coastal erosion and flooding as well as environmental protection of our fragile coastal areas. Part 323 identifies and regulates High-Risk Erosion Areas (HREA), Environmental Areas (EA), and Flood Risk Areas (FRA) within the Great Lakes coastal zone. Recession rate studies of coastal shorelines defined HREAs in many counties during the 1980s. According to R 281.22 (22) the department shall update the recession rate studies every 10 years to reflect varying lake levels and changes in erosion rates. Of 29 counties currently designated 12 counties have not been updated since designation. Counties in the Lower Peninsula on Lake Michigan were last updated in the mid-1990s except for Berrien which was updated in 2007. View metadata for this item in ArcGIS Online by copying and pasting the following link to a new browser tab:
Copyright Text: Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Description: The Hydric Soils layer was developed by the Wetlands, Lakes, and Streams unit in cooperation with USDA-NRCS and finalized in 2007 as part of the Part 303 State Wetland Inventory effort. Hydric soils indicate a current or former wetland condition. View metadata for this item in ArcGIS Online by copying and pasting the following link into a new browser tab
Description: This layer was developed by EGLE's Wetlands, Lakes, and Streams Unit (WLSU) to inventory the cities, townships, and other municipalities that have a local wetland ordinance in place. View metadata for this item in ArcGIS Online by copying and pasting the following link into a new browser tab
Description: Michigan Resource Inventory System (MIRIS) Land Cover Maps were derived from 1:24,000 scale color-infrared and black-and-white aerial photographs. They depict some 52 categories of urban, agricultural, wooded, wetland, and other land cover types for the entire state of Michigan. View metadata for this item in ArcGIS Online by copying and pasting the following link into a new browser tab
Description: Watershed boundary layer specifically used for wetland mitigation and mitigation banking. These watersheds determine part of the requirements used in mitigation of wetlands and mitigation banking. View metadata for this item in ArcGIS Online by copying and pasting the following link into a new browser tab
Description: This inventory of wetlands from 2005 was produced by Great Lakes/Atlantic Region Office (GLARO) of Ducks Unlimited with funding provided by EGLE. This subset focuses just on Michigan. View metadata for this item in ArcGIS Online by copying and pasting the following link into a new browser tab
Description: This dataset only includes geographies where EGLE Water Resources Division (WRD), Wetlands, Lakes, and Streams Unit (WLSU) has completed the NWI+ assessment at the behest of watershed groups since 2007. This data is meant to be used as a tool in the functional assessment of wetlands, to aid in the preservation/restoration/enhancement of wetlands in the State. View metadata for this item in ArcGIS Online by copying and pasting the following link into a new browser tab
Description: The following data sets were merged to create a comprehensive source of wetland locations:1978 MIRIS Landuse Federal Soils Surveys (hydric soils)National Wetland Inventory. View metadata for this item in ArcGIS Online by copying and pasting the following link into a new browser tab
Description: View metadata for this item by copying this link into a new browser window.
Name: Aquatic Nuisance Control Vegetation Survey Sites
Display Field: LakeSiteName
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: Source of Data: Data is generated from list table of historical (1986 to present) ANC program surveys conducted throughout the State of Michigan which shows the locations of waterbodies where ANC surveys have been conducted and when these surveys have occurred. Frequency and Type of Updates: This data will be updated yearly in November/December to include additional survey work as it is completed each year. New survey locations will be added to the existing map locations to reflect the full historical scope of ANC survey work. Data Representation: The data represents survey effort across the state of Michigan to collect information on the aquatic plant community in various waterbodies. Some waterbodies have been sampled once, some waterbodies have multiple surveys across the years Data Collection: Data was collected following standardized vegetation collection protocols developed by the ANC program. More information can be found on these protocols on the ANC Section of the EGLE website. Contact: If you have questions please contact the ANC program at View metadata for this item in ArcGIS Online by copying and pasting this link into a new browser tab:
Copyright Text: Water Resources Division (WRD), Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). Aquatic Nuisance Control (ANC) Program.
Name: Part31 Outstanding State Resource Waters Rule 98
Display Field: OSRWName
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline
Description: Rule 98(R 323.1098) of the Part 4 "Water Quality Standards" designated certain waters (contained in this shapefile) as protected from degredation. These waters include those that pass through National Parks or Shorelines, and designated Wild Rivers. This shapefile was created using high resolution NHD flowlines and the State of Michigans hydrology lines files (where no NHD existed on islands), using the descriptions found in Rule 98. Stream lengths (in miles) were measured using the high definition NHD lines, so may not precisely match the mileage length descriptions in Rule 98. The field "OSRW_type" is either "Designated OSRW" or "Tributary to OSRW". Tributaries to the OSRW are those upstream of the designated OSRW as described in the Rule, and recieve protections as described in the Rule.
Copyright Text: Water Resources Division (WRD), Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). Rippke (2014)
Name: Part 31 Outstanding International Resource Waters Rule 98
Display Field: GNISNAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline
Description: Rule 98(R 323.1098) of the Part 4 "Water Quality Standards" designated certain waters (contained in this layer) as protected from degradation as Outstanding State Resource Waters (OSRWs). These waters include those that pass through National Parks or Shorelines, and designated Wild Rivers.This layer describes all other surface waters of the Lake Superior basin that are not identified as Outstanding State Resource Waters (OSRWs), and are designated as Lake Superior basin - outstanding international resource waters (LSBOIRW). Under the LSB-OIRW designation, new or increased loadings from point sources to the surface waters of the Lake Superior basin are prohibited unless the new or increased loading is consistent with the requirements of Rule 98.
Copyright Text: Water Resources Division (WRD), Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). Rippke (2014)