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snippet: Rule 98(R 323.1098) of the Part 4 "Water Quality Standards" designated certain waters (contained in this shapefile) as protected from degredation. These waters include those that pass through National Parks or Shorelines, and designated Wild Rivers.
summary: Rule 98(R 323.1098) of the Part 4 "Water Quality Standards" designated certain waters (contained in this shapefile) as protected from degredation. These waters include those that pass through National Parks or Shorelines, and designated Wild Rivers.
accessInformation: Water Resources Division (WRD), Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). Rippke (2014)
maxScale: 0
typeKeywords: []
description: Rule 98(R 323.1098) of the Part 4 "Water Quality Standards" designated certain waters (contained in this shapefile) as protected from degredation. These waters include those that pass through National Parks or Shorelines, and designated Wild Rivers. This shapefile was created using high resolution NHD flowlines and the State of Michigans hydrology lines files (where no NHD existed on islands), using the descriptions found in Rule 98. Stream lengths (in miles) were measured using the high definition NHD lines, so may not precisely match the mileage length descriptions in Rule 98. The field "OSRW_type" is either "Designated OSRW" or "Tributary to OSRW". Tributaries to the OSRW are those upstream of the designated OSRW as described in the Rule, and recieve protections as described in the Rule.
title: Outstanding State Resource Waters- Rule 98
tags: ["OSRW","ORW","Outstanding State Resource Waters","Rule 98","Anti Degradation"]
culture: en-US
minScale: 0